I hate getting emails.
Gasp! But you’re a newsletter specialist!
It’s true. When I get up in the morning and my inbox is full of people who only want to sell me things, I just cringe. I’m busy yo; I ain’t got time for your shiz if you aren’t a friend of mine.
You know what I do love getting though? Newsletters!
(Ok, yeah. Granted I’m a newsletter nerd, but…)
Hearing stories, learning, absorbing in all of your goodness? This I love. Fill up my inbox all you want. I am invested in the people whose newsletters I sign up for. I want to hear from them.
And when they want to sell me something? Hell yeah, I’m buying!
Why? Because I know them. I trust them. They have been providing me with value and knowledge regularly, so I know that whatever their paid offer is, it will be worth the price.
Kind of like I will always go see anything with Daniel Radcliffe. I trust it will always be great. (Have you seen “Miracle Workers”? Hilarious!)
We are now about halfway through the second quarter of 2023, and if you have been dragging your heels about getting your newsletter started, why?
Is it because you hate getting emails as much as I do, and assume your people do too?
Maybe it’s time for a reframe.
Let’s get your newsletter off the ground together, and start building that trust with your audience. Whether you want to do it yourself or want me to do it for you, I got you. Book a call with me. We’ll get it done.
And if you haven’t seen Daniel Radcliff in a corset, singing “She’ll Be Comin’ ‘Round The Mountain” yet, trust me, you’re missing out!
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